Average Zimbabwean lived On $12.78/day in August

Average Zimbabwean lived On $12.78/day in August
Published: 24 September 2019
According to Zimstat's latest statistics the average Zimbabwean lived on $12.78 per day while the average family needed $1,827 in order not to be deemed poor. The figure implies that Zimbabweans are now living below the World Bank's updated poverty line of US$1.90 a day, at U$1.174 (based on the corresponding official interbank rate at the end of August).
This corresponds with general sense that the steep loss in the ZWL has had a significantly adverse effect on the standard of life for the average Zimbabwean. As the situation evolves and inflationary pressures continue to erode income, the issue of social welfare will inevitably come to the fore as more of the population falls into poverty.

The food poverty datum line (FPL) represents the minimum consumption needed to ensure that each household member can (if all expenditures were devoted to food) consume a minimum food basket representing 2 100 calories. The food poverty line was at $4.84 per person per day for August 2019, up 13% from July 2019 against Zimstats monthly CPI food basket inflation of 18.05% during the same period.
The survey for the PDL is based on the Poverty, Income, Consumption and Expenditure Survey (PICES) which is done after every five years, with last one conducted between 2011-2012. For the statistical output, prices of the commodities are collected every month from 3,500 outlets countrywide then geometric means are computed for every item.

The household total consumption poverty datum line for August was at $1,826.99, up 13% from July. Zimstat uses an average household size of 5 persons to derive the figure. Regionally, Matebeleland North had the highest living costs per household for August in the country at $1,989, while Mash Central had the lowest at $1,655. On the 3 cities surveyed, Bulawayo had the highest living costs at $1,874 while Harare had the lowest at $1,850. During the month Masvingo experienced the highest inflation in living costs at 19%, while Bulawayo was at the low end with 10%.

The household food PDL was at $725.29 for August, up from $639.63 in July. Matebeleland North was the most expensive region in food costs at $789, while Mash Central was the lowest at $657. Masvingo was the most expensive city in foods costs at $748 while Harare was the lowest at $734. Masvingo suffered the highest increase in food cost inflation at 19%, while Bulawayo was the lowest at 10%.

- finx
Tags: Zimbabwean,


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